The corona pandemic has caused a great loss in the past years as each sport gets affected by it. The tournaments cancelled and ultimately there is a great financial loss to the event organizers and governing bodies. The social isolation urged the people to play games online for having interaction. That point gave birth to the new era of eSports industry. Here we discuss the 3 major ways in which Corona Virus has changed the eSports gaming industry.
3 Ways Corona Virus Changed The eSports Gaming Industry
Corona Pandemic has created a solid impact on the eSports industry and it flourished in very short period of time. eSports is now considered as one of the top competitive game that have a potential to beat the world greatest leagues. There are many ways for the flourishing of eSports industry in Pandemic.
Enhanced Public Engagement
As far as lockdown concerned, people were in social isolation. Strict SOPs did not allow them having public interaction. In such circumstances, people found eSports a way of happiness and fun. With all events cancelled during the pandemic, a huge number of people turned to eSports. The online gaming provided them with a chance of having public interaction while following SOPs. There was a rapid increase in the public engagement time and people started following the uprising gaming trend.
With large number of people staying at home due to lockdown, the gaming found a boost to give a chance to public for distracting themselves from the harms of Corona Virus. Thus, the eSports industry flourished rapidly during the lockdown. As the lockdown prolonged, more fans moved to the eSports and played their role in optimizing this newly born industry. Now, eSports is one of the most stable and economically developed industry even after the pandemic.
Modification In The Games
After seeing the huge public interaction and interest in the gaming industry, the companies made wonderful changes in the games and increased the video graphic quality. Moreover, they used 3D graphic models along with the live characters to enhance public engagement. The gaming companies signed contracts with the sports and film industry stars for promoting the online games.
Garena did a lot of work for competing with the biggest battle game PUBG by including the characters of Ronaldo and Hirthik Roshan in Free Fire. Ronaldo is also the brand ambassador of Free Fire. Thus, the eSports and gaming industry improved epically and made revolutionary changes in the world of Sports.
Gaming Events
After a lot of improvement in the games and graphics, the companies arranged online tournaments and competitions. This step pumped the success of eSports industry as people can enjoy the live gaming while sitting in their homes. Many events organized on daily basis that laid the foundation of big championships. A number of big events organized during the pandemic.
Free Fire world series, M3 World Championship, and Worlds 2021 are the popular eSports events held during the pandemic. Now, PUBG World Cup is on its way as there are millions of fans of this epic battle game. After having such an enormous progress even in the pandemic, there are also the chances that eSports competitions will occur in Olympics.
Final Verdict
All these are the details about the ways in which Corona Virus Pandemic has created an impact and changed the eSports gaming industry. There was a great economic rise in the country’s economy as more people took home the gaming gadgets.
Moreover, different tournaments also become the source of economic development because there offered huge prize money in eSports. That’s all about the eSports development. If there is any change, we will update the details here.